In today’s blog, brought to you by the wonderful folks at Watch Me Grow, we’ll be discussing how you can get your child involved in the classic tradition of the new year’s resolution, along with some suggestions to get them started on crafting their own ideas.

It isn’t just adults that feel the urge to improve themselves — children have a natural tendency to want to do better at everything they try, from their first use of utensils at the dinner table to learning how to read. You can encourage your child to keep that spirit of improvement going through the new year by having them come up with their own new year’s resolutions. Not only can it be a great opportunity to teach them about setting goals and sticking to them, but the practice of choosing a resolution can be an entertaining way for them to develop communication and decision-making skills.

Engage your child by explaining what a resolution is and what it means to stick to a goal. Give examples of your own past resolutions and how they helped you grow and learn as a person. Ask them for their own ideas and make sure to frame them in a positive manner; for example, instead of your child saying “I want to stop doing this…” have them put it in a more positive light by stating “I want to do this…” Suggest some ideas, but let them know that coming up with their own is the best way to reach goals they’ll feel comfortable with.

Start with some of the resolutions below, and allow your child to decide what the best resolution would be for them to achieve. If they come up with their own ideas, make sure they are reasonable and achievable.

Get More Physical Playtime
Kids love to play, but they love to sit around just as much! Encourage your child to consider less t.v. time and more outside time by suggesting they schedule physical play daily with their friends.

Eat Less Junk Food
If you’re like any other parent, you don’t have the time or resources to enforce healthy eating rules 24 hours a day. Suggest to your child that they can make themselves feel better and get healthier by swearing off junk foods like candy and soda for a period of time — start with a month but challenge them to stretch it out as far as they think they can manage!

Help More With Household Chores
Kids enjoy helping with household duties because it makes them feel responsible for helping with an “adult” activity. Challenge your child to learn more about what goes on around the house by taking part in the things they haven’t done yet, like doing a load of laundry or sweeping the floors.

Learn New Things
Children love to learn! Encourage this natural tendency by having them put aside an hour every day to learn about something they wouldn’t normally pay attention to, such as finding out about dad’s job or learning how a street light works. Keep those little brain gears going!

Master Their Milestones
Give your child a sense of pride in what they’ve already accomplished by suggesting that they try to master their milestones. If he or she is in the process of learning how to potty train, encourage them to set a resolution to become a potty training master. If they are learning how to read, give them a goal of learning certain words or sentences and understanding what they mean.

Spend Less Time On The Computer
These days, it seems like kids are born with cell phones or tablets in their tiny hands. To ween your own child off of too much screen time, suggest that they resolve to spend less time at the computer and more time doing other things, like playing with friends or helping mom cook dinner.

Give To Those Less Fortunate
Charity has been shown to help children grow mentally and spiritually. Endorse this in your child by having them resolve to save up their allowance for charity or take extra clothes to their daycare’s clothing drive.

Help The Environment
Have your child do something good for the earth! With a new year’s resolution to use less electricity or learn how to recycle, you can make sure they develop good environmental habits that will last them a lifetime

Need daycare in the North Las Vegas area? Watch Me Grow Las Vegas provides safe, quality educational day care to the children and families of North Las Vegas. With Watch Me Grow, you get custom daycare, preschool, and summer camp programs developed around you and your family. Come check out our programs and contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you!

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